Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gympie Literary Awards Judging

After a crazy busy weekend of Snap Magic Launches and the beginning of the blog tour, I'm now off to the Gympie Region Literary Awards Evening, followed by a workshop with the award entrants the next day.

To read another writer's unpublished work is indeed a privilege, and to judge this work is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. The six categories of 2014's Gympie Region Literary Awards – (Adult and Children's) Short Story, Poetry and Picture Book, each with their own skill sets, literary elements and nuances, required a broad range of experience and knowledge as a judge.

Following guidelines, meeting a deadline and sending off a manuscript to an unknown reader can be a daunting experience. But it is the first step forwards as a writer - putting your work out there.

I was particularly impressed with the Children's Short Story category. The strength and depth of the themes covered belied the age of the writers. 

I'm very much looking forward to meeting the writers at the awards night and workshop.

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