Saturday, May 30, 2009

My first review (from a child I don't know)

My recently completed children's urban fantasy manuscript for 9 - 13 year olds is ready and polished. To celebrate its 'birth' as a final draft manuscript I sent it off a few weeks ago to a couple of friends. One of these friends has no children herself and so gave my manuscript to a friend's child to 'test it out'. All I know of this little girl is that she loves reading and is 11 years old. I was thrilled then to receive this feedback:

I really enjoyed it. I thought it was imaginative and really surprised me at the end. I just loved the way it kept you hanging at the end of the chapters. And also how it tied in with the show at school. I thought it was really funny how the prince knew everything about the blue powder and the girl turning into a frog. (Ellen, age 11)

Does that have you intrigued? A publisher has solicited the manuscript and it is being sent out next week. Fingers and webbed toes are crossed.

Call in next week. I'm making my mum's apple strudel.
