Parallel Import Restrictions on books in Australia are here to stay.
Today the Australian Labor Party Cabinet and Caucus decided not to accept the Productivity Commission’s recommendations. This decision shows their support for the Australian book industry and the people who work in it. I applaud them for understanding the complexities of this issue.
As a member of Saving Aussie Books action group I have learnt a great deal about the impact standing up for what you believe in can achieve. I know now I have a voice and that voice can be heard. Through this campaign I wrote my first letter to a Prime Minister, a Premier, many Senators and politicians both federal, state and local. I spoke on radio and left my very first comments on local and international digital media sites. I had my first letter to the editor published in the Courier Mail and hand painted my first protest placard. My voice could be heard loud and clear at my first street rally outside the Dymocks store, Brisbane and I answered my first live interview by a national journalist in between handing out leaflets. And then there was the petition. It is a wonder my friends are still speaking to me. At BBQs, birthdays, school fetes, evening classes, P & C meetings etc the petition was always being passed around.
I’ve learnt so much on this journey. I’ve learnt we all truly have a voice and an opportunity in this great country to be heard. Thank you to the politicians who listened and understood. Thank you to everyone who posted, emailed, wrote, phoned and spoke in support of our cause. I am elated. It was indeed a privilege and an honour.
But best of all I have made some life long friends.
Three cheers for the Warrior Women of the Book.
WWOBs rule!
Congrats Angela for taking the time to get behind this cause! And yes, I am still speaking to you even after the deluge of emails in my inbox. You're a champ. :-)
Angela, Congrats to you and to all those who supported this cause.Just shows you what People Power can do!
Cheers,Karen Tyrrell. :))
Thanks Shelly and Karen.
I hope I can get back to writing and illustrating more now:)
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