Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Writing Marathon

I have never been in a marathon. The thought of pushing myself to reach a nigh impossible goal scares me silly. So why is it then that next Sunday, 14th August I am racing against the clock and against all odds?

I'm a Prana Writer, a Gold Coast group of eleven writers, who first came together three years ago through the Gold Coast Council's Creative Juices 'Write That Book' mentorship, and we have entered a team in the ‘Write a Book in a Day” challenge to raise funds for the Royal Children's Hospital Qld..

It’s a writing marathon to write a children's book in 12 hours. Between 8am and 8pm next Sunday our team will plan, plot, write, illustrate, edit, print and bind an 8000 word book.

Why, you may ask...

Yes, we're crazy! But we love to write and we want to support the Queensland children who inspire us.

The aim of the Write a Book in a Day challenge is to raise funds for children's hospitals in each Australian state. We will be supporting the Queensland Royal Children’s Hospital. Currently we are the only group registered in Queensland in the open category!

At 8am on 14 August our team will be emailed a random setting, two human characters, a non-human character, an issue and five random words. Our 8000 word story must be written around these and delivered or emailed to the judges by 8pm the same day. There are even awards for the best book.

Can we do it?

There will be a lot of coffee, a lot of stress (did I say a lot of stress?) before the deadline, but just think of the team building!

The funds we raise and a copy of our completed book will be donated to the Royal Children's Hospital Qld.

To sponsor us in this worthy cause, donations may be made online by credit card here – and it’s tax deductable! Just select our hospital - Royal Children's Hospital Qld and our group - Prana Writers.

Thank you sincerely for your support.


Angela Sunde. said...

News flash. Prana Writers will be featured in the Gold Coast Sun newspaper ths week.

Karen said...

Hi Angela,
Congratulations on this initiative. I support you and Prana writers 100%.
I've donated to the Children's hospital. Wishing you every success!
Karen T:))

Angela Sunde. said...

Ooh, thank you so much, Karen! Our donations are slowly rising.I can't wait for Sunday.